Monday, January 12, 2009

Waiting on the Giant Squids...

Darn! I was hoping they'd let us know by today.

I've been kept busy though: The Ice Breaker Guide has been popular beyond my wildest expectations, and since I had to make a Guide for Pixel Pop immediately after (They released the two games back to back!), it's been doing relatively well too.

I'm hoping Ice Breaker clears Tier 1 this month so I can start earning a decent amount from my lenses again. My general yardstick for Squidoo is that if it clears more than I'm making in ads from my other site, it's been a good month.

Of course, ads on said other site have been paying out more than usual too, so...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Using RSS Feeds to Make New Lenses

I already use an RSS reader to follow my favorite blogs and sites -- from the usual "Make some Money" types like Problogger to comics like Octopus Pie. I also have... a few other RSS feeds in there.

In this case, Nitrome's company blog. It usually just announces new games and things, but that's all I needed.

Yesterday they came out with their new game, Ice Breaker, so I went right on ahead and made an Ice Breaker Game Guide for it the same day. Already it's not only received several hits, but the searches for the game are bleeding into my other Nitrome game guides -- a sure sign of a hit in the making!

The best part? If I continue to do this for each of Nitrome's new games, that's an extra 20 lenses in my portfolio -- and yes, I already have my 50 for my giant squid application, but since the 100 club can only improve my fortunes (or at least the extra pages would help me should I not make it this quarter...)

Well, that's just gravy.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Getting ready for the Giant Squid Deadline...

There! All lenses are updated within the past month, which gets me at least part of the way there. And this time I actually have over 50 lenses!

... Whether they're good enough may be another issue. Still, I'm the only furry expert on Squidoo, so that ought to count for something. Should spend some more time over on SquidU and make sure my visibility is up as well.

I really hope this works!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Since I've been lazy on this:
  • I've made about 10 bucks on the last two Squidoo collections.
  • I'm four lenses shy of hitting the 50-lens mark (that all-important key to Giant Squid-dom), but only 30 of that number are even above the 100,000 lensrank.
  • I'm still having trouble getting my lenses below 10,000 lensrank; only a couple of them can hold onto a spot there for more than a couple of weeks.
School and Comic are both starting to trip me up here, so Squidoo isn't receiving my full attention right now -- which means I'm likely to miss the next Giant Squid deadline if I'm not careful. Right now I'm still not convinced becoming a Giant Squid will help me out on Squidoo as much as I think it will. >_>

In the meantime though, I know people see this page, so I'd like to point out my top three performing lenses right now to see if folks can't give me a little boost:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Gearing up For Convention Season!

There's a Staff Meeting for Dragon*Con I'm going to tommorrow... so what better time to update my conventions for the season?

(There are, unfortunately, some of my lowest-ranked lenses... so they could use the love! I've made a lot of good improvements to them today...)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Making Lenses While Angry WORKS!

Thanks to Hey, MonkeyBrain!, it's easier than ever to make a lens the minute you're incensed about something. In that vein, check out my newest lens:
Granted, I was looking for excuses to make more video gaming lenses, so this works.

Also, I just got my payout for May... a measly fourteen cents. 0.14! I know I won't get paid for this past month's work until August, but STILL, man...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Lens: My Weight Loss Coach!

Well, I did something I almost never do -- I bought a game without checking the reviews for it online first!

I decided to get My Weight Loss Coach on a whim, and for at least the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be trying it out. I know for optimal results I'll need to be sticking with it a lot longer than that... (and for $40 it better at least be decent)!

Check out the lens; I'll try to keep it updated at least once a day for a while. If nothing else, I needed another Nintendo DS Lens to go with my lens on travel games -- after all, the more lenses I create on related topics like this, the more likely they are to all get traffic together, right?